Our forms are  Goldkorn Goldkorn Goldkorn............................. Hebrew לשו עברי

very sorry – not having finished the English version for you now, Madam!

lecturerlecturerpupil / studenthighly talentedpupil / studentpupil / studentpupil / studentpupil / studentpupil / studentpupil / studentpupil / studentpupil / studentpupil / studenthighly talented

It is the rule here to have a minimum of two teaches for each form and a maximum of twelve pupils with not more than two highly gifted girls at once.


No – not even one of our genius-groups does it Explanation for those who actually won't like to understand (- the Garter) - ('of cause') in Germanfor you sir.

lecturerlecturerhighly talentedhighly talentedhighly talentedhighly talentedhighly talentedhighly talentedhighly talented



The choice is yours:  options Is our world to be put in crude black-and-white terms - or is it still rather blue?


Einladung auf die Burg - Invitation to the castle


Einladung auf die Burg - Invitation to the castle



Mind-maps - about gestures


ountain of books (mostly in German)
Quellen - only in German






special sites Venice (German)


special sites Israel (German)

special sites Jerusalem (German)



special sites AlHambra (German)



World from space  -> project Terra

to project: Terra (sorry still in German)

Questions of the beginning (German) 



O.J.'s permanent projects (German)


toactualprojects (German)

תויוצר דימת תועצהו תורעה








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zu StarOffice HP 

by Olaf G. Jahreiss, all images - apart form advertising - on these pages are (if not noted otherwise) by courtesy of 1&1 puretec, fortunecity, marketsoft, StarOffice or our own. - last modification on 09 June 2018.